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Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Why is the Italian prime minister suing over deepfake porn?

The right-wing Italian prime minister Giorgia Meloni is suing a father and his son for allegedly making deepfake pornographic videos of her.
It’s the first time a powerful international figure has ever taken legal action against deepfake porn – an increasingly common and disturbing form of abuse.
Meloni’s lawyer says she’s suing the men in Sardinia for a “symbolic sum” of €100,000 to stand up for women’s rights. But the people here don’t seem convinced.
As this rare and historic moment unfolds we dive into the trial in Sardinia, where the murky worlds of politics and morality collide, to find out why Meloni is really taking legal action and what this moment could mean for the hundreds of thousands of deepfake porn victims across the world.
